Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bring in the New Year and follow it up with Vegas....

So this year to bring in the new year we decided to stick to a new tradition of going to spring lake to a cabin with the Spencer's and the Jones. And for the second year in a row, we had a blast. Basically we do dinner, play games and watch movies for the whole weekend. It's nothing special but it has sure been a great way to bring in a new year. We added some extra fun this year but doing a little sledding (as you can see from the pictures we cheated and got rides to the top of the hill.) So much fun though.
Then a few weeks later the six of us got together again in Vegas. Rob and I went down for a flag football tournament but managed to get away for a night out with everyone to go see the Broadway musical The Lion King. It was fabulous I loved it. The pictures are from dinner and then outside the show. We love hanging out with great friends and can't wait for another fun trip!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

So far So good!

It's been a little over a week since we started the new diet, and so far we love it. My struggle over the years has been convincing myself that eating six small meals a day is normal and that I wont blow up like a cow if I do. This last week I've packed a cooler full of my clean eating meals and set a timer on my phone to remind me its time to eat. It's been wonderful, I have way more energy and I haven't had a headache daily like usual. Who would have thought! It's working great for Rob too, he was a little bummed when he got on the scale at the beginning of the year and weighed more then ever before. The combination of 2xdays (cardio in the morning, weights at night) and eating cleaning has been proven for him by watching the scale go down. I on the other had HATE scales because I have a lot of muscle and it makes me feel even bigger than I really am so I just take measurements and watch them get smaller! Hopefully we can keep it up, we're heading to Vegas this weekend for a flag football tourney and my real test will be to stick to eating good foods while on vacation.... Wish me luck!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Beginnings

So like most one of my resolutions for the is to get in better shape. Rob and I are already big gym rats and don't seem to struggle like most in actually working out and getting to the gym. Our issues lye in our diet. Which is a huge issue when you factor in nutrition is equal to 80% of a diet and exercise program and the other 20% is split between cardio and strength training. We've mastered that 20% so our goal to this year is to learn the other 80% of good nutrition. To help us on our journey we adopted The Eat-Clean Diet ( I got the book for Christmas and cleared out our cupboards to start the new year off right. It's not really a diet more just a life style change, were you learn to eat clean fresh food as opposed to fast food, eating out and prepackaged foods. I'm excited to see where this new journey takes us! Hopefully I'll be diligent in keeping updates coming!